Rapti Technical school


राप्ती प्राबिधिक शिक्षालय गढवा गाउपालिका-३ दाङ

Rapti Technical School

Gadhawa Rural Municipality - 3, Dang

Shalik Ram Dangi

Pramila Koirila
Program Coordinator

Narayan Bhandari

Iswor K C

I would like to welcome Rapti Technical School on my behalf. This school is an emerging, undergraduate school under the Council for Technical Education & Vocational Training. This school was established with the financial support of Asian Development Bank in 2050 B.S.It was founded on the assumption that technical education can be created by producing the basic and middle-level manpower required at national and international level, by creating self-employment, self- reliance and minimizing the problem of national unemployment. Like the unemployed To meet the market demand by producing competent, quality, competitive manpower through consultation on business choice by targeting the youth.
The school promotes green-based life-saving skills while ensuring general, gender, inclusive and equitable participation.
Therefore, Rapti Technical School expects your help in the end. We always appreciate your valuable feedback, suggestions and suggestions in support of a positive mindset and creative ideas and collaborative efforts to support success.

लुम्बिनी प्रदेश: प्रि–डिप्लोमा तहका सम्पूर्ण कार्यक्रमहरुको भाद्र र माघ महिनामा सञ्चालित परीक्षाहरुको नियमित तर्फका नतिजा लुम्बिनी प्रदेश: प्रि–डिप्लोमा तहका सम्पूर्ण कार्यक्रमहरुको भाद्र र माघ महिनामा सञ्चालित परीक्षाहरुको नियमित तर्फका नतिजा प्रकाशन गरिएको सूचना – २०८१-०१-२७